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ALEMANIA — Der Bundespräsident - Honours and decorations ALEMANIA — Orden, Ehrenzeichen und Auszeichnungen (Uwe P. Brückner) ALEMANIA — präsentiert von der THW-Helfervereinigung Ronnenberg e.V. ALEMANIA — Imperial German Orders, Medals & Decorations (A. Schulze Ising) ALEMANIA — Medals of the German Colonial and Overseas Forces ALEMANIA — Awards and decorations of the German Armed forces 1933-1945 ALEMANIA — Ordenbänder / ribbon ALEMANIA — A collector's guide to the awards, medals, badges and insignia that existed in Germany 1933-1945 ALEMANIA — Bundesauszeichnungen. Die Orden und Ehrenzeichen unserer Republik ALEMANIA — Der Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1951 - heute ALEMANIA DEMOCRÁTICA — DDR Medailles ARMENIA — State Awards in the Republic of Armenia AUSTRALIA — Australian Honours and Awards AUSTRALIA — Defence Honours and Awards AUSTRALIA — Medals of Australia AUSTRIA — Österreich und seine Ehrenzeichen AUSTRIA — Bundesheer: Orden, Medaillen und Verdienstzeichen AZERBAIJAN — Orders, decorations, and medals BANGLADESH — Medals; Official Website of Bangladesh Army BELARUS — Medals of the Republic of Belarus BÉLGICA — Société de l'Ordre de Léopold BRASIL — Condecorações (Rudnei Dias da Cunha) BULGARIA — Orders and Medals. President of the Republic of Bulgaria BULGARIA — Bulgarian Royal Decorations BURKINA FASO — Grande Chancellerie des Ordres Burkinabés CAMEROON — Grand Chancellery of National Orders CANADÁ — Honours and Awards CANADÁ — Canadian Military Medals and Decorations CANADÁ — MedalMounting.ca (Newest medal mounting website) CHECA, REPÚBLICA — Orders and Medals CHECA, REPÚBLICA — Vyznamenání, pametní medaile a pametní odznaky se stuzkou COLOMBIA — Condecoraciones (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores) COLOMBIA — Condecoraciones del Ejército COLOMBIA — Granados y Condecoraciones COLOMBIA — Condecoraciones de Colombia COREA — The Orders and Medals of the Republic of Korea CROACIA — Recognitions and Decorations CUBA — Condecoraciones otorgadas por el Estado Cubano DINAMARCA — Forsvarsministeriet. Medaljer og hæderstegn DINAMARCA — Danks Militærhistorie (Medaljer) DINAMARCA — List of ODM of the Kingdom of Denmark EGIPTO — Médailles présidentielles ESLOVENIA — Decorations of the Republic of Slovenia ESPAÑA — Condecoraciones Españolas (Antonio Prieto Barrio) ESPAÑA — Condecoraciones: Las órdenes dependientes del Ministerio (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación) ESPAÑA — Orden de San Raimundo de Peñafort (Ministerio de Justicia) ESPAÑA — Condecoraciones de la Guerra de la Independencia ESPAÑA — Protocolo y Etiqueta (Honores, Distinciones y Etiqueta) ESPAÑA — Recompensas y Medallas (EDUCATECA - Sociedad. Ciencias Sociales - Cursos, Manuales, Oposiciones,...) ESPAÑA — Catalogación de armas (Juan L. Calvó) ESPAÑA — Órdenes de Caballería de Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara y Montesa ESTADOS UNIDOS — Medal of Honor Information: Congressional Medal of Honor Society ESTADOS UNIDOS — Military Decorations and Awards. Officer and Enlisted Personnel Management ESTONIA — Ülekaitseväelised aumärgid ESTONIA — Estonian State Decorations ESTONIA — Riiklike Teenetemärkide kullassepp — Roman Tavast OÜ FIJI — The Fiji Honour System FINLANDIA — Decorations conferred on the President FRANCIA — Phaleristique FRANCIA — La grande chancellerie de la légion d'honneur FRANCIA — Phaléristique des guerres napoléoniennes FRANCIA — Musée de l'Ordre de la Liberation FRANCIA — Les décorations Francaises FRANCIA — Société des Membres de la Légion d'Honneur GRECIA — Hellenic Armed Forces GUERRA HISPANO-AMERICANA — 1898 La Guerra Hispano Americana en Puerto Rico (Luis Iriarte) HOLANDA — Nederlandse Ridderorden en Onderscheidingen (Erik Müller) HOLANDA — Onderscheidingen HOLANDA — Orderscheidingen. Ministerie van Defensie HONG KONG — Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Honours and Awards System HUNGRÍA — A Personal Collection of Hungarian Historical Militaria INDIA — Indian Army: Gallantry Awards INDOCHINA — The Orders and Medals of Indochina IRLANDA — Defence Forces Medals ISRAEL — IDF Service Ribbons ISRAEL — Awards and Decorations of the State of Israel ITALIA — Nastrini, Decorazioni ITALIA — Le Onorificenze ITALIA — Dipartimento del Cerimoniale di Stato ITALIA — Decorazioni, ribbons, decorations, medals - Tutto Militare.com ITALIA — Faleristica, Medaglie, Diplomi, Ordini cavallereschi, Italia, Regno d'Italia JAPÓN — Decorations and Medals in Japan (Cabinet Office) JAPÓN — Japan Matitime Self-Defence Force KAZAKHSTAN — State Awards LETONIA — State Awards of Latvia LÍBANO — Main Orders (Lebanese Army HomePage) LITUANIA — Awards (Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania) LITUANIA — Orders, Medals and Other Awards (The President of the Republic of Lithuania) MÓNACO — Ordres Princiers et distinctions honorifiques MÓNACO — Distinctions honorifiques NACIONES UNIDAS — UN Medals NICARAGUA — Condecoraciones en el Ejército de Nicaragua NORUEGA — Norwegian Decorations NORUEGA — Medaljar og utmerkingar NUEVA ZELANDA — Honours PAQUISTÁN — Honours and Awards PERÚ — Medallas, Órdenes y Condecoraciones del Perú POLONIA — Ordery i odznaczenia POLONIA — Polish Medals and Militaria PORTUGAL — Ordens Honoríficas Portuguesas REINO UNIDO — Cabinet Office Honours REINO UNIDO — Medals: campaigns, descriptions and eligibility REINO UNIDO — Imperial War Museum RUANDA — MOD Awards RUANDA — MOD Ribbons RUMANIA — Cancelaria Ordinelor (Presedintele României) RUMANIA — Casa Regala a Romaniei decoratii RUSIA — Russian Orders RUSIA — Rusian Heraldry (Imperial Orders of Chivalry and Modern Orders and Awards) SERBIA — Medals of the Ministry of Defence SIRIA — Syrian Medals SRI LANKA — Army Medals SRI LANKA — Navy Medals SUDÁFRICA — National Orders SUDÁFRICA — SANDF Medals SUDÁFRICA — SAPS Medals SUECIA — Ordnar och medaljer SUECIA — Världsliga riddarordnar (förtjänstordnar, statsordnar) i Sverige SUECIA — Kungl. Maj:ts Orden TAIWAN — Decorations of the Republic of China TURQUÍA — Medals. Turkish Armed Forces TURQUÍA — Turkish Culture Portal (Ottoman Medals and Decorations) UCRANIA — Decorations, Ministry of Defence VATICANO — Pontifical Decorations VATICANO — Barbiconi (Sartoria ecclesiastica) VENEZUELA — Condecoraciones de Venezuela Insignia of the Golden Fleece Provisional List of Orders Ordini Dinastici della Real Casa Savoia Orders and Medals Society of America — (OMSA) Orders and Medals Research Society — (OMRS) The Orders and Medals Society of Denmark — (OHS) The Orders and Medals Society of Germany — (BDOS) The Austrian Orders Research Society — (ÖGO) Studiekring Faleristiek — (SKF) Dutch Orders and Decorations Research Society — (SRO) Gentleman's Military Interest Club British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Indian and all Commonwealth Medals Wehrmacht awards I Nostri Avi — Il forum italiano per scrivere di storia di famiglia, genealogia, araldica e ordini cavallereschi U.S. Militaria Forum Foro Militar e Historia Militar 1898 Foro español de coleccionismo militar Condecoraciones y órdenes de la Gran Guerra y sus alrededores históricos Zona Batida Falerística: los símbolos de nuestra historia. Todo lo que quiera saber sobre las condecoraciones y distintivos del Reino de España y de otros países The Medal Hound — (Ed Emering) Ribbons of Orders and Decorations of the World — (Lukasz Gaszewski) Medals and Awards of the Great War — (Micheal Shackelford) A world wide Orders & Medal ribbon collection — (Michael Schulcz) CA-Collecting and more ... Les Decorations Phaléristique européenne - Ordres, Décorations et Médailles — (Arnaud Bunel) Axis History Factbook World War 2 Awards.com Ordres, Décorations et Médailles 1914-1918 World Awards (russian) Online Encyclopedia of Silver Marks, Hallmarks & Makers' Marks Eisernes Kreuz 1.Klasse DNA Latin American Medals & Orders from the Robert L. Ross Collection at Princeton University Borna Barac. Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World Rosettes for Medals and Ribbons Liverpool Medal Company Cleave. Court Jewellers Dorotheum Speedbid Hermann Historica Auktionshaus Carsten Zeige Rudnik Numismatics Czerny's Auctions Mørch & Søn's Eftf. Strandbergs Mynthandel & Aktiesamlaren AB Medal-Medaille Medals of Service - Replica War Medals - Restoration of Original Medals Berliner Auktionshaus für Geschichte Morton & Eden Ltd. Maison Arthus-Bertrand medals, decorations and official badges Reitz Medals Military ribbon and sash shop Ibar Jewellery & Antiques Frederico Costa V.F.M.R Orders&Medals Cristina Linares Condecoraciones & Orfebrería Elite Condecoraciones Royal Australian Mint Austrian Mint Bulgarian Mint Royal Canadian Mint Egypt Mint Mincova Kremnica, Slovakia — Awards, orders, Mayor's chains Monnaie de Paris UAB Metalo forma Mauquoy Group Van Wielik Monetaria Statului P.P.H. "Artmedal" Service Commemoratives — High quality Commemorative Medals for service that various Governments chose not to recognise with official medals Thomas Fattorini Ltd Artist-craftsmen and jewellers Koninklijke onderscheidingen P. de Greef — Décorations militaires BOVOMED-onderscheidingen |
Copyright © Antonio Prieto Barrio | 13.7.2024 |